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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

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Status Accepted to Backlog
Product Access EPoS
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 16, 2024

Allergens PopUp message

1. Popup Development:

Develop a popup window that appears upon staff login.

This popup should display a clear message like "Have you reviewed allergen information today?"

2. Button Functionality:

Include two buttons on the popup:

- Yes: Clicking this button opens a new screen with a keyboard listing common allergens. Staff can select the allergens they reviewed.

- No: Clicking this button logs the staff member and displays a message like "Please review allergen information before serving clients" or login off the staff member. This action should also be logged for reporting purposes.

3. Allergen Keyboard:

Design a virtual keyboard with common allergens like nuts, fragrances, soy, gluten, etc. This makes allergen selection quick and efficient.

Reporting Integration:

Integrate the allergen review data into your existing reporting system. This allows easy access to staff performance on allergen checks.

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  • Admin
    Harry Burnett
    Jul 19, 2024

    Thank you for reaching out to us. In order to provide the most effective assistance, we need to understand the specific business challenge you are facing and the problem that needs resolving. Could you please provide more details about the issue? This information will help us tailor our support and find the best solution for your needs.

    We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to helping you resolve this matter.

    Best regards,