Deliveroo has introduced a feature allowing bakeries to notify customers about substitutions for specific items in their orders. Customers can then choose to either accept the substitution or cancel the order. If the substitution is accepted, the original order is canceled, and a new order is created with a different order number.
However, this process has a critical issue: when an order is canceled, the item quantity from the canceled order is not added back to the live stock management system in the POS terminal. Consequently, when the new order is submitted, the item quantity is deducted again, resulting in a double count. This discrepancy causes inaccuracies in the live stock management system, leading to inventory mismatches and potential operational issues.
User Story:
As a Bakery Manager, I want the system to correctly update stock levels and print a receipt when an order is canceled due to a substitution or cancelation, so that live stock management stays accurate and in sync with actual inventory.
Acceptance Criteria:
Live Stock Adjustment on Cancellation:
Stock Deduction on New Order:
Receipt for Canceled Order:
Sync with Bakery Stock:
Definition of Done:
Stock levels are accurately adjusted in the POS terminal for both canceled and new orders.
A canceled receipt is generated and printed for every substitution-related cancellation.
Inventory discrepancies caused by double counting are eliminated, ensuring live stock management is consistent with bakery operations.