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Status Already exists
Product Procure Wizard
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 16, 2024

Add SKU's to the out of stock list

Add SKU's to the out of stock list, so people can see them without clicking in to each individual product

    Jan 7, 2025

    Thanks for this idea! We have checked and this is already available. In the first column of the Products Out of Stock page, the PW ID will be shown and where the SKU has been entered, this will show on the second line. Please let us know if this isn't what you were referring to and we will happily review again.

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  • Admin
    Natalie Barrett
    Jan 8, 2025

    Hi @Guest

    Thanks for coming back to us. 😊

    The product you have mentioned doesn't appear to have a SKU set which is why it is not displaying.

    You do have some SKU's set up and working, for example if I search for flour, I can see there are 2 products with no SKU and 6 that are showing your assigned SKU.

    If you are experiencing issues around this please reach out to our support team, who will be happy to support you further along with how to delist multiple products.

  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2025


    Also, some SKU���s are showing, like in the screenshot in the previous email. However, these are products we have delisted, so I don���t know why they still show in the OOS list.
    Is there a way of deleting these products with no codes, in bulk, rather than one by one please?

    Tilly Copley
    Finance Systems
    Albion Fine Foods
    Unit 2 Crossways Commercial Park,
    Clipper Boulevard, Dartford,
    Kent, DA2 6QB


  • Guest
    Jan 7, 2025


    My out of stock list on PW does not show SKU���s in the list, as it used to, so I cannot search for a specific SKU there, unless I run the report each time.

    Tilly Copley
    Finance Systems
    Albion Fine Foods
    Unit 2 Crossways Commercial Park,
    Clipper Boulevard, Dartford,
    Kent, DA2 6QB


  • Admin
    Natalie Barrett
    Oct 2, 2024

    Hi - Thank you so much for your idea!

    Could you clarify where you are looking at this information is it in the Out of Stock Report or somewhere else?