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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


My ideas: Rotaready

Showing 43

Add a "2 week view" on the rota editor

In addition to the daily, weekly and monthly view on the rota editor - could you please add a "2 week" view. This is ideal when making rotas, as you can see the week you are working on, as well as the preceding week. It is essential to ensure good...
4 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

rota - order of staff listing

We would like to be able to customise the order of a group on a rota, so that we can decide the order of appearance in each team member, a drag and drop function to re-order staff per group would work well. Currently, the order appears to be deter...
about 1 month ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Remind employees to clock in and out for their shifts via push notifcations

Send mobile app push notifications to remind employees to clock in and out when their shifts are scheduled to start and end.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Accepted to Backlog

Staff on Multiple Rotas

Allow staff that regularly work at more than one site to appear and be edited on both rotas.
5 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Being able to see the clock out time on the rota view once the hours are accepted

When the days attendance issues have been resolved it would be great to see the actual finish time on the rota view instead of the rota hours when the day has completed. This would make lfe much easier when reviewing the weeks rota or previous rot...
about 1 month ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Rota validation for daily rest requirement (WTD)

The system should flag any instances where an employee is scheduled without the required 11-hour rest period between shifts when adding shifts via the Rota Editor. Managers should have the ability to override this validation when necessary.
4 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Auto-anonymise employees after employment ends.

Could a setting be added to automatically tick the check box on the anonymising employee after 7 years when they have been marked as a leaver. We are currently sending leavers via an API and there is no endpoint for this that we can see.
4 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Improve functionality for long term absence

Improve functionality to record a team member as on maternity leave, paternity leave or long-term sickness, for example, remove the salary from cost control and apply relevant values (8% SMP, £116.75 SSP, for example). Allow an option to remove th...
3 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Improved financial reporting for holiday and payroll accruals

As a growing hospitality business with over 800 employees, accurate financial reporting is essential, we currently find existing RotaReady reporting presents limitations. We feel the suggestions below will greatly enhance the customer experience a...
3 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Integration with Toast EPOS

To introduce an integration with Toast EPOS to automatically pull NET sales into Rotaready's Cost Control tools.
4 months ago in Rotaready 0 Accepted to Backlog