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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

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Status Idea Received
Product Access Collins
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 29, 2025

Company/Agency and contact record Management and reporting

Would benefit by the improvement of how contact records and company records are created and connected, so we can more easily report on the value of a company/agency/partner to our business.

The Company field shouldn't be a free type field. We think you should be able to create a company record and it not be duplicated based on company address/post code, then assign guest/contact records to that company so you can track all enquiries received/bookings made by that company. Within that company field you should be able to enter whether the company is a corporate, agency, 3rd party, charity etc.

It is currently challenging to report in detail on corporate performance as there is so much room for error/duplication with free type company field and labels. Currently we free type the company name when it's a corporate, which is very hard to report on. When it's an agent or 3rd party, we have a source set up for each one we work with, but that then overrides us knowing whether the enquiry came over the phone, email, BD etc.

Needs to be a more robust way of managing and reporting on this, particularly for venue groups that work with corporates and agencies, which I imagine are most people using Collins.

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