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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


My ideas

Showing 676

Mobile Adyen Terminals for payment at Customers Table

We are embarking on replacing our EOL Verifone Card Terminals with Adyen equivalent . This will be required for both Gamma and Collins Use within our Visitor Centres . The Issue I have is that we need to use a Mobile Adyen terminal in our Tea Room...
about 2 months ago in Access EPoS 0 Under Review

PLU Prompt

Using plu prompt for wines, where you can select a Bott, 250ml,175ml or 125ml. Great! I also want to have a condiment on the plu to prompt the user to select the number of glasses. Unfortunately this condiment works for not just the bottle, but th...
about 2 months ago in Access EPoS 0 Idea Received

Reviews report

We would like to be able to export a report of reviews for the venue submitted by guests. This is useful for training and management analysis. In excel format would be great and to be able to filter by month and year.
about 2 months ago in Access Collins 2 Idea Received

Clear notifications

Be able to delete notifications as sometimes quite a few can gather up and a lot of them are unnecessary.
11 months ago in CPL Learning 0 Accepted to Backlog

Keyboard Group alphabetical

If deciding to use Keyboard groups, which is a great but to have a flag when setting the groups which sorts the keyboard group alphabetically. Currently it seems to only work in plu number order.
about 2 months ago in Access EPoS 0 Under Review

Ability to change the name of the 'Offers' section in order to upsell packages or full priced items at point of booking

Ability to change the name of the 'Offers' section in order to upsell packages or full priced items at point of booking. It's restricting only saying 'offers' as it may not be an offer and then therefore misleading to guests.
7 months ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Supplier Product Uploads - Minimum Requirements for Product Matching

Currently, suppliers can create duplicate Product IDs (PIDs) for the same product, even when the only difference is minor attributes like pack size, and the total quantity is identical. For example: Coors Beer : Light : NRB (PID: 595191) - Pack si...
3 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Rota validation for daily rest requirement (WTD)

The system should flag any instances where an employee is scheduled without the required 11-hour rest period between shifts when adding shifts via the Rota Editor. Managers should have the ability to override this validation when necessary.
4 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

PW Stock Linking to Workspace Pro

Have ability to bring stock data through in to ADE and Analytics so that it can be queried and used by customers to drill in to the data in their own ways.
7 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Tonic Integration with BuyAGift to facilitate voucher redemption

The ability for recipients of Buyagift to be able to book their experience through Tonic.The event would be created in Tonic with valid times/dates and information etc.The recipient can enter their BaG voucher which would be validated in order to ...
9 months ago in Access Tonic 0 Idea Received