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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


Access People for Hospitality

Showing 48

Provide your payroll information within the app

Would like all employees to be able to access their own salary information within the app - annual salary, hourly salary, day rate etc as this is not currently available anywhere for an employee to look at. You may be able to figure it out looking...
9 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Be able to change your employment pin in the App

Currently you cannot change your employment pin for clocking in and out in the app it can only be done on a desktop. As most of our staff do not sue desktops and the majority use mobiles - they should be able to change / amend / update their own p...
9 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Deleting all future holidays when someone leaves

Currently you have to manually delete authorised holidays if someone leaves if you do not want them to appear in the managers calendar. If you don't all holidays will continue to appear which can be confusing when looking at a glance.
5 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Evacuation Function

Enable users to be able to create the "evacuation group" that they need prior to an emergency situation. Enabling them to select from Department, Division, Section and Subsection so that they can do a full hotel / location roll call rather than go...
5 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Integrate payroll reports

Hi, Is it possible to integrate the Rota Adjustment by section report into the Weekly Costing report. We use them for our payroll and it is pretty time consuming to add the information from the adjustment report to the other one. Thank you! Kind r...
6 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Ability to have 'mini' sections within a sub-section

It would be helpful to be able to create 'mini' sections within a sub-section rota and to be able to possibly 'drag & drop' employees within a sub-section into the different 'mini' sections. For example in our Kitchens they break their rota's ...
12 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Getting the Information section on the Education & Qualifications screen to work

On the Education & Qualifications screen there is a section called "Information" - but this doesn't work when you click on it. We would either like this to be a field we could complete, or for there to be a tick box called "Not Re-training" so...
6 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Date Assignment for EPOS Sales Data

Currently, the EPOS data import relies on the Rota Start Time setting to allocate sales data to specific dates. For instance, if the Rota Start time is configured to commence at 5 am, any sales data recorded between 00:01 and 04:59 am that morning...
about 1 year ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Accepted to Backlog

Self-Service Termination Feedback: Empowering Leavers to Share Honest InsightsSelf-Service Termination Feedback: Empowering Leavers to Share Honest Insights

To improve the authenticity of feedback from departing employees, we propose a new feature that allows leavers to directly fill out their own termination forms. This self-service approach ensures honest, unfiltered feedback, aids in understanding ...
about 1 year ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Flexible Tronc Holiday Calculation for Salaried Employees

The system features a setting that displays a global default of salaried employee holiday hours in the tronc module once a day (or more) is entered. While this is effective for salaried employees with uniform daily hours, it does not accommodate t...
7 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received