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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


My ideas

Showing 678

PLU report based on "Condiment Price" not Standard

The ability to report how sales were done as a Condiment through the Condiment Price / Condiment List feature. We would need the Qty of PLUs sold as part of a "Bundle" or "Meal" and the Price they were sold at, which would be different to the Stan...
8 months ago in Access EPoS 1 Under Review

MP Scan - PO number & Total value auto population

When using MP scan, the Search process askes you to enter a PO number in the system for matching purposes. You then select the PO to match against which then populates site details, Mini market, Department and more. The process then repeats the en...
4 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Use Preferred Names on clocking screens

While Access People records users' preferred names, this information currently does not reflect on the Web or Biometric Clocks. This oversight has the potential to cause distress to individuals who prefer to be addressed by a name other than their...
over 1 year ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Property Number (Pub Company Site Reference)

Hi As we are starting to drill down on the data, would it be possible to have our companies site reference number in the reporting so that we can easily do look ups to our own pub lists?
4 months ago in CPL Learning 0 Idea Received

Add Colours

Would it be possible to find a way to highlight some items in our MHL basket that we have designated as the best valued item in our price file? Whether it be in a different colour or a little MHL logo beside the description. It would help us direc...
4 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Ability to add a photo to a task description

It would be great to be able to add a photo to a task description without needing to create a url first - so it's embedded in the task description rather than having to click it to view the photo. This would help staff to view instructions and gui...
over 1 year ago in Trail / Communication with the team 0 Accepted to Backlog

Supplier Analysis - more filters needed

The Supplier Analysis screen could have an additional filters: 'Mini market', choose all or individually 'Site' Choose all or individually, currently it is all or one.
8 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Rota Sorting

I would like to be able to sort rotas by reporting structure. So General Manager, then Assistant Manager, then Supervisors and then Baristas. From here if there is more than one person in a position the one at the top should be the one with the hi...
4 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Remove salary when monthly paid employees are on unpaid day on detailed report

Currently when a monthly paid employee is shown on the rota as a day's unpaid leave, that day isn't deducted on the detailed report therefore it isn't showing the correct weekly value for the week. It should be removed in the same way as holiday.
4 months ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Ability to assign tasks to Areas

No description provided
over 1 year ago in Trail / Reducing time spent managing Trail 0 Future Consideration