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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


Access Maintain

Showing 103

Add a new criteria to the Report Wizard so we can run a report on

We would like to run a report on particular assets in order to see how much we have spent on a particular item.I.e. How much we have spent across the estate on a specific fryer for exampleIt would be very helpful for our accountants analysis and t...
over 2 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Allocations to engineers to be recorded on Inhouse orders 'Notes'

When a job is being allocated to an inhouse engineer, the action to be "recorded" on Inhouse order 'Notes'We must be able to track all history of a work order (Inhouse jobs)Work orders are being "auto-allocated" and we are not aware who does alloc...
over 2 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

To be able to change the contractor and then the time allocation after that when releasing a callout

At the moment I can change the callout to a different contractor, or change if it's released as a 5h, 24h etc. I cannot do both, one after another before releasing This limits my options as staff on site often don't put a realistic timeframe for a...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Make the 4 hour call out exportable

Add a field on 4 hour call outs so you are able to make the 'Name' exportable. This way we can track which venues are not calling 4 hours through as we can see who inputted 'Unknown', 'N/A' etcBy being able to export this as a spreadsheet we can t...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

The ability to change the On Hold Reason at any point prior to Authorisation of a QR

Currently we can only place a QR 'On Hold' once, however there is often a change in the reason that the QR is 'On Hold' therefore we would like the ability to change it. For example, the initial 'On Hold' reason may be 'Awaiting Management Review'...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Payment output file - Invoice numbers

to have an extra column down the side against each job to have an invoice number next to the worksheet number in its own separate column.This will completely remove the requirement to undertake a job that takes days to complete, meaning the job wi...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Most recent Job goes to the top of the list and highlighted Green

New unallocated jobs need to go straight to the top of the list, so engineers and staff in maintenance can react to any urgent jobs acrosss site as at the moment these can get missed by engineers and can create serious complaints across the business.
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Mobile app function for engineers to allocate jobs from a venue they choose

On the mobile phone app, when engineers go into a venue to scroll and look for jobs they then cant allocate to themselves, they can only allocate from the main list which has every venue attached.From a business point of view it causes unrest betw...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Search bar added for mobile phone app

Inhouse maintenance - For the engineers to have a search bar on the mobile phone app so when they have the main list in front of them they could type in a bedroom number or a word linked to a job to find it.It creates a quicker approach to finding...
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Tabs for different topics added to the helpdesk view

On the helpdesk view on access maintain, I would like to have a couple sections added like parts and a small projects area so I can monitor areas of our operation all on one page.
almost 3 years ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received