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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


My ideas

Showing 685

Display all available sickness absence clauses for report creation

In our Module Settings > HR, under Absence Sickness Cause, we have entries that cover all eventualities, including work related and non work related sickness absences. However, the Standard report named Employee Sickness Report does not return ...
about 1 month ago in Access People for Hospitality 0 Idea Received

Filters in Manager Users

It would be useful to have a filter by User Permission as well as by name/email/site It was also be able to have a secondary filter so that we could filter by site and then by user permission for example.
about 1 month ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Company/Agency and contact record Management and reporting

Would benefit by the improvement of how contact records and company records are created and connected, so we can more easily report on the value of a company/agency/partner to our business. The Company field shouldn't be a free type field. We thin...
about 1 month ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Collins - Epos Integration - Multiple tables booked

Multiple Tables Booked - When someone tries to book for more than a table’s maximum capacity, Collins correctly allocates automatically more than one table to that party. However, on the pop up of the till, we only see 1 table allocated to that bo...
3 months ago in Access EPoS 1 Idea Received

In User Menus, give us the ability to hide "Company menus" from selected Roles

With customers creating multiple menues across their business, the only way we can lock down these menus is via User MDR. There is however an issue in that if the menu was originally created at company menu level, you will always be able to see th...
3 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Accepted to Backlog

Limit Access for Business Partners

As a business partner, I want limited access to Access Maintain, so that I cannot place maintenance callouts or quotes. We need the business partner that manage the tenanted proprieties to be able to view only for specific sites only. As business ...
3 months ago in Access Maintain 0 Under Review

@ done button

when @'ing other users in the internal notes (and then pops onto our home page), could there be a potential function of undoing the 'done' button once clicking by an accident
9 months ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Automatically applied discount codes to selected dates

Automatically apply discount codes to select dates, so you don't have to create new reduced ticket prices for dates you want to discount. OR show the discount code on the calendar view on the relevant dates if shown as public.
about 2 months ago in Access Tonic 0 Idea Received

Add SKU's to the out of stock list

Add SKU's to the out of stock list, so people can see them without clicking in to each individual product
6 months ago in Procure Wizard 4 Already exists

Auto adjustment to be automatically untoggled till toggled on

When creating a new automatically active adjustment for 1 site, this is automatically live in all sites. it would be very helpful to have the adjustment automatically off 'untoggled' in all sites till made live 'toggled on'
8 months ago in Access EPoS 2 Already exists