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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


My ideas

Showing 685

Simplify multi-level approval flows

When an order exceeds one or more levels of authorisation, it must still be released by every level. This means that when the order gets to a level where they have sufficient authorisation limit, they cannot do things like requote.
11 months ago in Access Maintain 0 Accepted to Backlog

Allow capex spend against existing assets

No description provided
11 months ago in Access Maintain 1 Accepted to Backlog

Collins - Adyen Mobile Use at Table

We are embarking on replacing our EOL Verifone Card Terminals with Adyen equivalent . This will be required for both Gamma and Collins Use within our Visitor Centres . The Issue I have is that we need to use a Mobile Adyen terminal in our Tea Room...
2 months ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Diary"info" section - tables should detail tables they can join with automatically (reading from table joins section)

When you click on the “I” section from the diary or within a booking, you can see detail on the venue. We use this notes section a lot. However there are also details about individual tables. We are aware you can manually select that these tables ...
6 months ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

The ability to turn off /edit, same day cut off for a date in the future

Please add more details At current within a booking type, you can add a “shut same day bookings” time to days of the week. This allows bookings to flow in for that day up to a certain time as per required. This however, is not replicated on the ov...
6 months ago in Access Collins 0 Idea Received

Automated Texts from Site Name

Like the manual text messages, the automated texting with Collins Call and LiveWait will be from the venue/site name rather than a random number. This helps not onluy with brand visibility, but also stops the guest from mistaking the number as the...
6 months ago in Access Collins 0 Rejected

Smart Allocation Table

I've had an idea for a way to simplify the ways administrators view and manage their course allocations. Typically, we will create an excel matrix of their allocation. Rows would be the course names including IDs, columns would be the user groups....
almost 2 years ago in CPL Learning 0 Under Review

Order Id with suffixes in Procure Wizard views for data engine

We require the Order Id for auto created credits, returns etc to be visible in the Access Date Engine views of Procure Wizard data. E.g. nnnnnnnnRN for a credit request created from a return or nnnnnnnnBA for a balance order. This is so we can ide...
4 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received

Allow contractor KPI information to be seen per 4 weekly period not just by month

There is no way to filter how contractors did on their KPIs per 4 weekly period, only by Month but the system is set up to allow 4 weekly period to run. Currently there is no accurate way to see how they are performing by period.
2 months ago in Access Maintain 0 Idea Received

Tonic & Brand Website Integration

Would it be possible to create widgets that are customisable and allow guests to actually book an event from there, even if the event has no tickets. Currently, if you click on an event e.g. 'Pub Quiz', which is free, you can't then see any detail...
2 months ago in Access Tonic 0 Idea Received