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Access Hospitality - Ideas Portal

Help us shape the future of our products by submitting your own ideas and reviewing ideas submitted by other users. If you see an idea you like, feel free to vote it up and add any comments that you feel would be beneficial.
This is a collaborative community, so please join in, contribute your innovative ideas and help our product teams to shape their roadmaps and future product development.

Our teams will review the ideas which have received the most votes on a regular basis, meaning that not all ideas will receive updates. When an idea has received enough votes, the status will be updated to 'Under Review' and then a decision made.


Recently Released Ideas

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RELEASED Collins - New custom field to be applied to specific booking types not just to a site
We have added the new custom field and organisations can make that custom field available to site. It would be great to be able to add different custom field to different booking types no the same custom field do not apply for all bookings.
RELEASED Collins - Removable or editable ‘Special Requests’ field on booking widget
It would be nice to either edit the text for or remove the ‘Special Requests’ input box when confirming a booking. For us, this box is not really necessary for our requirements when placing a booking, and the ability to switch it off, via a simple...

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Showing 678 of 678

Lateness dashboard widget

Introduce a “Lateness” widget on the dashboard that displays the number of employees who have been late over a specified period and exceeded a defined threshold. The widget should link directly to the Lateness report, applying the same filtering p...
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Self-onboarding improvements

New employees to be requested to provide their courtesy title, starter declaration, student loan information, and their decision on Working Time Directive opt-out during self-onboarding.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Accepted to Backlog

Enhanced metrics on the Hours/Wages rota tool

Expand the hours/wages overlay in the Rota Editor to display all relevant metrics, including productivity and custom metrics to provide managers with a more comprehensive view of key performance indicators.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Accepted to Backlog

Employee visibility of notable events

Introduce functionality to make notable events visible for employees, allowing them to also sync to their personal calendars if they have integrated them. Additionally, make ‘public events’ visible within the printable version of the rota editor.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Company-wide document sharing

Enable the upload and storage of organisation-wide documents in a central location, allowing businesses to easily share important policies, procedures, and company-wide information.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Accepted to Backlog

Improvements to filters on Staff Directory

1. ‘Permission Level’ filter: Add a filter to easily filter employees by permission level. 2. Multi-select filters: Enable multi-select filters. I.e. for job roles, so users can view a list of staff across multiple job roles simultaneously, rather...
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Display default cost stream on Staff Directory

Enable visibility of whether default cost streams are set within staff profiles. This would assist managers in identifying unallocated costs more effectively, ensuring all costs are appropriately allocated.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Emergency contact report

Generate a summary of emergency contact details for all employees, facilitating quick identification of profiles with or without uploaded emergency contacts.
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Flag break length discrepancies based on employees' actual shift times compared to the standard policy.

Flag discrepancies when an employee's actual shift times result in a break length different from the scheduled break policy. Allow managers to adjust breaks as needed, choosing between the scheduled break based on shift duration or the actual brea...
9 months ago in Rotaready 0 Idea Received

Improve the import success and failures pages

In the case of errors, or incorrect-success can we have an show more details option that literally shows the actual import data line, without me having to download the csv Review the errors/success wording & add a guide/key
10 months ago in Procure Wizard 0 Idea Received